a billion light years away, oil and acrylic on 2 wood panels, 48"x48", 2019
Mr.Hyde was a gardener, oil on wood, 12"x12", 2019
el templo para Arnaldo (in memory of Arnaldo Roche Rabell), oil and acrylic on 2 wood panels, 48"x48," 2019
silently rising, oil on board, 16"x16", 2019
Nordic happening, oil on board, 16"x16", 2019
tell me a story my dear, oil on wood panel, 48"x48", 2019
a vase of black eyed susan's in the afterlife, oil on canvas, 36"x36", 2019
aqueous arbor, acrylic and oil on board, 48"x48", 2019